Saturday, April 14, 2018

Down with HFM

  • 14 Apr 2018

Yumi is down with hand foot mouth disease. Her mouth has more than 10 ulcers. She couldn't eat and drink even the smoothest beverage. It has been one whole day she did not eat. I wish I could experience it for her instead. Its really heart aching to see her suffering and saying no to all her favourite food. I made her steamed pear and jelly, which she turned down also.

Papa is having a busy weekend at the optical fair. So its only mommy and Yumi. Paed at Denai said half the children who came to see her are all infected with HFM. Its so sad to hear that so many children are also suffering the same. Why must this happen to small small children? It must be really painful. Yumi can't even handle her own saliva now.

I felt really bad for accusing Yumi being naughty yesterday at the skating rink. Her annoying behaviour was actually due to discomfort caused by HFM. I am really sorry Yumi. Please forgive mommy. In future, mommy will be more attentive and understanding. And will trust that you are always a good girl.

Yumi couldn't sleep well whole night. And again I just suspected she had bad dreams. She was actually having a hard time juggling with her saliva and mouth pain.

Oh Lord Jesus. Please strengthen lil Yumi with your ressurection power. Amen.

  • 15 Apr 2018

Day 2 HFM. Nothing gets better. Yumi's condition deteriorates today. Only had 1 ice cream in the morning and 6oz chilled strawberry milk in her favourite pink milk bottle. After 10am, everything got worse. She couldn't drink at all. I made some pear puree and chilled it. Yumi managed to only put few spoons into her mouth. I was slightly relieved. I told her its 'sick people's porridge'.
We went out to get coconut water. This time I prepare ice cubes in a bottle to make it ice coconut water. Yumi could only afford to sip 2 mouth. That's it. 😓

I am extra worried. She got even worse after her afternoon nap. Grandparents came to visit. Yumi was really mood down. Popo had to use Golden our dog as excuses to make Yumi drink coconut water using syringe. Thank God it worked! So the next time spoons and straws don't work, remember that there is still syringe. Yumi took half a cup.
Finally I can start to smile.

Really worry she will need to be hospitalised if her condition doesn't improve by tomorrow.
Oh Lord, please grant Yumi a healthy body again. Amen.

16 Apr 2018
This morning Yumi woke up a whole lot better. 80% recovery. Finally I can see her smile. She is active again. Yay!!! She is able to eat soft food and drank chilled milk. In the evening she was able munch bread and fruit cake. Its so miracle. Yesterday she was still pretty ill and today she is back to lively.
Thank you Lord Jesus. Yumi called on your name and followed papa in prayer. I felt so relieved now. Yumi's ulcers are gone by at least half I can tell. Though she can't take solid food yet. I am sure tomorrow will break through it. She is having mild fever now. But other than that, she seemed perfectly fine. We played and learned together whole day. I've got a special feeling.. a SAHM feeling. Home schooling feeling. Hahaha..
The adorable Yumi is now sleeping next to me, down 2kg. I promised the skinny bone Yumi to sleep early tonight. Good night.

17 Apr 2018
Yumi is 90% recovered. Able to brush teeth finally. This naughty fella pretended to be still having sore mouth just to escape brushing teeth. Of course it was easy than pea to uncover the truth. Lol. So no escape! Brush and brush and brush.
So in all, it took 3 days for Yumi to completely recover from Hand Foot Mouth disease. 2nd day being the most worrying. And 3rd day being the miracle day. This is in line with info I've read online.
But the bad news is... Jaden and Elise are both infected... by Yumi 5 days ago, when they shared oreo milk shake after the skate. We were not aware that Yumi was having HFM. Sorry Jaden & Elise. Its their first day today. Get well soon.